The need for instant cash can arise without any warning. One day you might wake up to find a stack of bills waiting for you. Another day, you might have to make a purchase too steep for your pocket. What can you do when this happens? Well, borrowing from family or friends is an option. But that's not always possible. The other alternative is taking a loan. And what kind of loan? Surely it is not a sensible thing to borrow a big amount just to fill up a small cash gap. Besides it would take a lot of time. It would be more practical to take a small amount that not only suits your purpose but can be approved quickly. A same day cash loan can serve both these functions.
Same day cash loans are short term unsecured loans which are approved within a day. The reason behind this swift approval is that less documentation is requires and online processing does not take much time. It can be availed by anyone having a valid bank account and earning a salary more than £1000. An amount between £100 and £1500 can be borrowed. Repayment period lasts 14-31 days from the date of approval. As for mode of repayment, a post dated check signed by you will be used to withdraw the balance from your account on the next payday. Even if you can't pay it, you can contact your lender and request them to roll over the amount. However, an extra fee might be charged.
As it is clear by now, same day cash loans have great attributes:
* No need to provide any collateral.
* Minimum documentation required.
* Short repayment duration so you won't even have to pay that much in terms of interest, no matter how high the rate gets.
* Mode of repayment is hassle free.
So the next time there is an unexpected shortage of cash, you know where to turn to- same day cash loans.
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